Holistic Therapies for Mental Health Problems


The emergence of holistic treatments for mental health problems has been a revolution in the mental healthcare industry. Holistic therapies are those which focus on the whole person and strive to treat not only symptoms but also underlying causes of illness or injury.

Yoga and Meditation

Therefore, many complementary and alternative therapies may be considered holistic treatments, such as acupuncture, massage therapy, yoga, and meditation. However, other methods like art therapy can also be used alongside conventional treatment because these techniques often help people recover from their illnesses faster than usual.

Different alternative and complementary treatments can help with a variety of issues. They may target your physical, mental, or spiritual well-being.


This holistic treatment that works on the belief that “like cures like.” This means diseases or symptoms can be relieved by using small amounts of natural substances that cause similar symptoms in healthy people. Another popular treatment, acupuncture, is based on the idea of energy flow through pathways called meridians which are stimulated to improve the flow of energy.

Researchers are still looking into the effects of complementary and alternative therapies on mental health problems, but there is evidence that they are beneficial.


This is one of the popular holistic treatments that may have benefits for mental well-being. For example, the University of Westminster’s aromatherapy study found that lavender has a positive effect on stress and anxiety because it can help induce sleep and reduce agitation in people who are feeling anxious or tense.


It has been found that acupuncture can boost the levels of neurotransmitters in the brain, which are linked to mood control. It is also known that acupuncture can help reduce cravings and the need for addictive substances by affecting neurotransmitters in the brain. Acupuncture works with the individual’s chi or natural energy. If the chi is balanced, the person will be healthy and happy.

Massage Therapy

Massages can help ease anxiety and depression symptoms such as sleep problems. The deep pressure touch stimulation from massages may cause a pain-killing response in the body, improving mood and reducing levels of stress hormones.

Massage can be Swedish, shiatsu, deep tissue, and others. The point of the massage is to relieve your stress and tension in different parts of your body.

Herbal Medicine

Teas and other herbal remedies can be beneficial. They can be made from a wide range of plants and trees and contain biologically active chemicals which stimulate the brain to produce neurotransmitters. Since these are organic and natural, these remedies are widely accepted as holistic treatments.

Yoga and Meditation

Many people use yoga as a form of mental health care to promote relaxation, relieve stress, prevent illness and induce calmness. Yoga is based on different breathing patterns that can have positive effects on the brain. People who practice yoga can also reduce their risk of chronic diseases like heart disease, obesity, and diabetes.

Meditation is another popular alternative treatment for anxiety because it encourages the person to sit still and focus on their breathing. This can help a person stay calm during stressful moments.

Meditation has been around for thousands of years, and it has been proven that meditation is a great coping mechanism for anxiety. You can choose to follow a spiritual guide or guru so you can learn more about meditation.

Spiritual or Energy Healing

Spiritual healing is based on the belief that people can release their negative energy to feel positive again. Sometimes, this may involve the laying of hands or prayer. Some believe it can even cure illness and other physical problems.

Reiki is one such method that uses a system of hand positions to channel energies and heal the body, mind, and spirit. The belief is that Reiki energy flows through the hands of a healer into a person’s energy field or “aura” to help them heal.

Music Therapy

Listening to certain kinds of music can have positive effects on our mental health. Music that has an upbeat rhythm can help to raise the person’s mood. Music therapy is also used in some mental healthcare facilities because it allows patients to express themselves through songs and lyrics when they feel emotionally blocked.

Part of this research was supported by a grant from Association for Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback (AAPB).

Natural Cures

There are many other alternative methods to help with mental health. One example is natural cures like omega-3 fatty acids, b vitamins, and certain amino acids that have been shown to lower stress levels.

The best way to know if these holistic treatments work is by researching and choosing the right treatment that is most suitable for you. You can speak to your healthcare provider and therapist, or you can read up on various studies and trials to know what type of treatment works best for you.